
¡¡¡¡Bienvenidos!!!! a la clase de español


Middle school students use the text Spanish is Fun (ISBN 978 1 56765 464 6) and the Merriam- Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary (ISBN 978 0 87779 916 0).


Grade Six covers lecciones 1 -7. 

Over the course of the year students will learn a variety of vocabulary, masculine/feminine – singular/plural nouns, conjugation of regular AR and ER verbs (in the present tense) with a few irregular verbs as well as conversation.


Grade Seven covers lecciones 7 - 13.

Over the course of the year students expand their vocabulary, learn regular IR verbs, increase their knowledge of irregular verbs, including the two verbs to be Ser and Estar and the verb to go IR.  They also learn adjective agreement and adjective placement.


Grade Eight covers lecciones 13-24.,

Over the course of the year students increase their vocabulary, expand knowledge of stem changing verbs, learn idiomatic expressions of the verbs Tener, Hacer, and Gustar as well as the grammar concepts of possessive and demonstrative adjectives and prepositions.   


Goals for students in 7th & 8th grades are to speak predominantly in Spanish in Spanish class and to apply their vocabulary and grammar knowledge in creative writing asssignments.